Source code for flask.ext.themes2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This provides infrastructure for theming support in your Flask applications.
It takes care of:

- Loading themes
- Rendering their templates
- Serving their static media
- Letting themes reference their templates and static media

:copyright: 2013 Christopher Carter, 2012 Drew Lustro,
            2010 Matthew "LeafStorm" Frazier
:license:   MIT/X11, see LICENSE for details
from __future__ import with_statement

## Yarg, here be pirates!
from operator import attrgetter
import itertools
import os
import re

from flask import (send_from_directory, render_template, json,
                   abort, url_for, Blueprint)
# Support >= Flask 0.9
    from flask import _app_ctx_stack as stack
except ImportError:
    from flask import _request_ctx_stack as stack

from jinja2 import contextfunction
from jinja2.loaders import FileSystemLoader, BaseLoader, TemplateNotFound
from werkzeug import cached_property

from ._compat import text_type, iteritems, itervalues

__version__ = '0.13'

DOCTYPES = 'html4 html5 xhtml'.split()
IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')

containable = lambda i: i if hasattr(i, '__contains__') else tuple(i)

def starchain(i):
    return itertools.chain(*i)

def active_theme(ctx):
    if '_theme' in ctx:
        return ctx['_theme']
        return[8:].split('/', 1)[0]
        raise RuntimeError("Could not find the active theme")

def global_theme_template(ctx, templatename, fallback=True):
    theme = active_theme(ctx)
    templatepath = '_themes/{}/{}'.format(theme, templatename)
    if (not fallback) or template_exists(templatepath):
        return templatepath
        return templatename

def global_theme_static(ctx, filename, external=False):
    theme = active_theme(ctx)
    return static_file_url(theme, filename, external)

def global_theme_get_info(ctx, attribute_name, fallback=''):
    theme = get_theme(active_theme(ctx))
        info = getattr(theme, attribute_name)
        if info is None:
            raise AttributeError("Got None for getattr(theme, '{0}')".
        return info
    except AttributeError:
    return theme.options.get(attribute_name, fallback)

[docs]def static_file_url(theme, filename, external=False): """ This is a shortcut for getting the URL of a static file in a theme. :param theme: A `Theme` instance or identifier. :param filename: The name of the file. :param external: Whether the link should be external or not. Defaults to `False`. """ if isinstance(theme, Theme): theme = theme.identifier return url_for('_themes.static', themeid=theme, filename=filename, _external=external)
[docs]def render_theme_template(theme, template_name, _fallback=True, **context): """ This renders a template from the given theme. For example:: return render_theme_template(g.user.theme, 'index.html', posts=posts) If `_fallback` is True and the template does not exist within the theme, it will fall back on trying to render the template using the application's normal templates. (The "active theme" will still be set, though, so you can try to extend or include other templates from the theme.) :param theme: Either the identifier of the theme to use, or an actual `Theme` instance. :param template_name: The name of the template to render. :param _fallback: Whether to fall back to the default """ if isinstance(theme, Theme): theme = theme.identifier context['_theme'] = theme try: return render_template('_themes/%s/%s' % (theme, template_name), **context) except TemplateNotFound: if _fallback: return render_template(template_name, **context) else: raise ### convenience #########################################################
[docs]def get_theme(ident): """ This gets the theme with the given identifier from the current app's theme manager. :param ident: The theme identifier. """ ctx = return[ident]
[docs]def get_themes_list(): """ This returns a list of all the themes in the current app's theme manager, sorted by identifier. """ ctx = return list(
def static(themeid, filename): try: ctx = theme =[themeid] except KeyError: abort(404) return send_from_directory(theme.static_path, filename) def template_exists(templatename): ctx = return templatename in containable( ### loaders ############################################################# def list_folders(path): """ This is a helper function that only returns the directories in a given folder. :param path: The path to list directories in. """ return (name for name in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)))
[docs]def load_themes_from(path): """ This is used by the default loaders. You give it a path, and it will find valid themes and yield them one by one. :param path: The path to search for themes in. """ for basename in (b for b in list_folders(path) if IDENTIFIER.match(b)): try: t = Theme(os.path.join(path, basename)) except: pass else: if t.identifier == basename: yield t
[docs]def packaged_themes_loader(app): """ This theme will find themes that are shipped with the application. It will look in the application's root path for a ``themes`` directory - for example, the ``someapp`` package can ship themes in the directory ``someapp/themes/``. """ themes_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'themes') if os.path.exists(themes_path): return load_themes_from(themes_path) else: return ()
[docs]def theme_paths_loader(app): """ This checks the app's `THEME_PATHS` configuration variable to find directories that contain themes. The theme's identifier must match the name of its directory. """ theme_paths = app.config.get('THEME_PATHS', ()) if isinstance(theme_paths, text_type): theme_paths = [p.strip() for p in theme_paths.split(';')] return starchain( load_themes_from(path) for path in theme_paths )
class ThemeTemplateLoader(BaseLoader): """ This is a template loader that loads templates from the current app's loaded themes. """ def __init__(self, as_blueprint=False): self.as_blueprint = as_blueprint BaseLoader.__init__(self) def get_source(self, environment, template): if self.as_blueprint and template.startswith("_themes/"): template = template[8:] try: themename, templatename = template.split('/', 1) ctx = theme =[themename] except (ValueError, KeyError): raise TemplateNotFound(template) try: return theme.jinja_loader.get_source(environment, templatename) except TemplateNotFound: raise TemplateNotFound(template) def list_templates(self): res = [] ctx = fmt = '_themes/%s/%s' for ident, theme in iteritems( res.extend((fmt % (ident, t)) for t in theme.jinja_loader.list_templates()) return res ######################################################################### themes_blueprint = Blueprint('_themes', __name__, url_prefix='/_themes') themes_blueprint.jinja_loader = ThemeTemplateLoader(True) themes_blueprint.add_url_rule('/<themeid>/<path:filename>', 'static', view_func=static)
[docs]class Themes: """ This is the main class you will use to interact with Flask-Themes2 on your app. It really only implements the bare minimum, the rest is passed through to other methods and classes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None, **kwargs): """ If given an app, this will simply call init_themes, and pass through all kwargs to init_themes, making it super easy. :param app: the `~flask.Flask` instance to setup themes for. :param \*\*kwargs: keyword args to pass through to init_themes """ if app is not None: self._app = app self.init_themes(self._app, **kwargs) else: self._app = None
[docs] def init_themes(self, app, loaders=None, app_identifier=None, manager_cls=None, theme_url_prefix="/_themes"): """This sets up the theme infrastructure by adding a `ThemeManager` to the given app and registering the module/blueprint containing the views and templates needed. :param app: The `~flask.Flask` instance to set up themes for. :param loaders: An iterable of loaders to use. It defaults to `packaged_themes_loader` and `theme_paths_loader`. :param app_identifier: The application identifier to use. If not given, it defaults to the app's import name. :param manager_cls: If you need a custom manager class, you can pass it in here. :param theme_url_prefix: The prefix to use for the URLs on the themes module. (Defaults to ``/_themes``.) """ if app_identifier is None: app_identifier = app.import_name if manager_cls is None: manager_cls = ThemeManager manager_cls(app, app_identifier, loaders=loaders) app.jinja_env.globals['theme'] = global_theme_template app.jinja_env.globals['theme_static'] = global_theme_static app.jinja_env.globals['theme_get_info'] = global_theme_get_info app.register_blueprint(themes_blueprint, url_prefix=theme_url_prefix)
[docs]class ThemeManager(object): """ This is responsible for loading and storing all the themes for an application. Calling `refresh` will cause it to invoke all of the theme loaders. A theme loader is simply a callable that takes an app and returns an iterable of `Theme` instances. You can implement your own loaders if your app has another way to load themes. :param app: The app to bind to. (Each instance is only usable for one app.) :param app_identifier: The value that the info.json's `application` key is required to have. If you require a more complex check, you can subclass and override the `valid_app_id` method. :param loaders: An iterable of loaders to use. The defaults are `packaged_themes_loader` and `theme_paths_loader`, in that order. """ def __init__(self, app, app_identifier, loaders=None): self.bind_app(app) self.app_identifier = app_identifier self._themes = None #: This is a list of the loaders that will be used to load the themes. self.loaders = [] if loaders: self.loaders.extend(loaders) else: self.loaders.extend((packaged_themes_loader, theme_paths_loader)) @property
[docs] def themes(self): """ This is a dictionary of all the themes that have been loaded. The keys are the identifiers and the values are `Theme` objects. """ if self._themes is None: self.refresh() return self._themes
[docs] def list_themes(self): """ This yields all the `Theme` objects, in sorted order. """ return sorted(itervalues(self.themes), key=attrgetter('identifier'))
[docs] def bind_app(self, app): """ If an app wasn't bound when the manager was created, this will bind it. The app must be bound for the loaders to work. :param app: A `~flask.Flask` instance. """ = app app.theme_manager = self
[docs] def valid_app_id(self, app_identifier): """ This checks whether the application identifier given will work with this application. The default implementation checks whether the given identifier matches the one given at initialization. :param app_identifier: The application identifier to check. """ return self.app_identifier == app_identifier
[docs] def refresh(self): """ This loads all of the themes into the `themes` dictionary. The loaders are invoked in the order they are given, so later themes will override earlier ones. Any invalid themes found (for example, if the application identifier is incorrect) will be skipped. """ self._themes = {} for theme in starchain(ldr( for ldr in self.loaders): if self.valid_app_id(theme.application): self.themes[theme.identifier] = theme
[docs]class Theme(object): """ This contains a theme's metadata. :param path: The path to the theme directory. """ def __init__(self, path): #: The theme's root path. All the files in the theme are under this #: path. self.path = os.path.abspath(path) with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'info.json')) as fd: = i = json.load(fd) #: The theme's name, as given in info.json. This is the human #: readable name. = i['name'] #: The application identifier given in the theme's info.json. Your #: application will probably want to validate it. self.application = i['application'] #: The theme's identifier. This is an actual Python identifier, #: and in most situations should match the name of the directory the #: theme is in. self.identifier = i['identifier'] #: The human readable description. This is the default (English) #: version. self.description = i.get('description') #: This is a dictionary of localized versions of the description. #: The language codes are all lowercase, and the ``en`` key is #: preloaded with the base description. self.localized_desc = dict( (k.split('_', 1)[1].lower(), v) for k, v in i.items() if k.startswith('description_') ) self.localized_desc.setdefault('en', self.description) #: The author's name, as given in info.json. This may or may not #: include their email, so it's best just to display it as-is. = i['author'] #: A short phrase describing the license, like "GPL", "BSD", "Public #: Domain", or "Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0". self.license = i.get('license') #: A URL pointing to the license text online. self.license_url = i.get('license_url') #: The URL to the theme's or author's Web site. = i.get('website') #: The theme's preview image, within the static folder. self.preview = i.get('preview') #: The theme's doctype. This can be ``html4``, ``html5``, or ``xhtml`` #: with html5 being the default if not specified. self.doctype = i.get('doctype', 'html5') #: The theme's version string. self.version = i.get('version') #: Any additional options. These are entirely application-specific, #: and may determine other aspects of the application's behavior. self.options = i.get('options', {}) @cached_property
[docs] def static_path(self): """ The absolute path to the theme's static files directory. """ return os.path.join(self.path, 'static')
[docs] def templates_path(self): """ The absolute path to the theme's templates directory. """ return os.path.join(self.path, 'templates')
[docs] def license_text(self): """ The contents of the theme's license.txt file, if it exists. This is used to display the full license text if necessary. (It is `None` if there was not a license.txt.) """ lt_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'license.txt') if os.path.exists(lt_path): with open(lt_path) as fd: return else: return None
[docs] def jinja_loader(self): """ This is a Jinja2 template loader that loads templates from the theme's ``templates`` directory. """ return FileSystemLoader(self.templates_path)